Here's how to help local businesses in Ottawa

As you know, small and local businesses have felt an effect due to the coronavirus outbreak in Ottawa. Most of the restaurants, bars and stores are closed since March 17th 2020 and the impacts are unprecedented for our community.

It is for this reason that our team wanted to give our valued customers a way to help the local community by compiling this list of businesses in Westboro that are offering Gift Cards, delivery and online shop.

"These gift card can help businesses like ours survive in these times of need and you'll be able to redeem them later and enjoy a treat from your favourite places when normality resumes." - Julia Dahdah, Executive Chef
So we invite and encourage you to show your support by prepaying for future visits or by buying presents or birthday gift for your loved ones.

Local Businesses in Ottawa with Gift Cards

The following is a list of local businesses that offer gift card in Westboro, Ottawa:



    Thanks for showing your support! If you would like to ask anything or have any questions, we're here to help you. Fill the form below to contact us: